Andalusian Earth Siences Institute


The Andalusian Earth Siences Institute (IACT) is a joint research center that belongs to the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of Granada (UGR), following the Agreement between the two organizations signed on the 29 of September 1994 (and modified on the 28 November 2011). This agreement contemplates the restructuring of the existing Instituto Andaluz de Geología Mediterránea that was founded in 1986.

The Agreement contains the Terms of Reference for the Institute that include:

  1. Pursue scientific excellence by seeking and strengthening Earth Science understanding and technological development
  2. Promote collaborations with other national and international research institutions and organizations on a wide variety of activities including the European Research Area.
  3. Promote the training of research personnel and contribute to the University of Granada Earth Sciences graduate Programs.
  4. Contribute to increasing innovative research through the national and international transfer of research results that can be turned into products and societal services.

The IACT mission, vision and objectives are included in: [Incluir enlace a los siguientes documentos]