


The PIIISA project in Granada arises from the collaboration between the Delegation of Education in Granada, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the University of Granada (UGR) in order to offer Granada high school students a modern and innovative way of learn and interact with science.

Its main objective is to show high school students what research is and how it is done. Students have the opportunity to get involved in projects led by renowned scientists, and learn first-hand what the scientific method consists of and what the research process is like, something that will allow them to explore their possible vocation for a scientific career.

The students, tutored by their professors, will work with scientific and technical instruments and will know first-hand why Science is fundamental for the social and economic development of a country. The effort and imagination of researchers when designing projects will be transferred to the framework of an educational project that takes place outside the classrooms, in the research centers themselves.

The scientific institutions of Granada put all their human and technical potential into a project that has already undergone more than 2,000 students from 35 institutes who have participated in more than 250 projects led by 400 scientists from the University of Granada and the CSIC. The final results of this work have been part of oral contributions and posters of five editions of the “PIIISA Final Congress”.

The results of PIIISA will be seen over time, but it has undoubtedly established itself as a unique and exceptional way to foster scientific vocations, as well as an innovative way to complement class work. The success of PIIISA is excellent proof that this type of educational methodology is really effective. For more information

for more information
  • 1st session, January 17, 2024
  • 2nd session, February 14, 2024
  • 3rd session, April 10, 2024
  • Final Congress 21 May 2024

Activity list