IACT Staff

Antonio Delgado Huertas

Doctor in Geological Sciences at the University of Granada (1994). He has carried out most of his research career at the CSIC; predoctoral (1988-1994), contracted researcher (1996-2000) and Senior Scientist (2000-2007). Since 2007 he has been a Research Scientific at the Zaidín Experimental Station (EEZ-CSIC) and since 2010 at the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (IACT-CSIC); since 2023 Research Professor. He has complemented his research experience with stays at the University of Trieste (Italy, 1994-1996), NERC (UK, 1997), University of Bristol (UK, 2017-2018), KAUST (Saudi Arabia, 2019). His main lines of research have revolved around the applications of stable isotopes in geology, paleoclimatology, oceanography, hydrology, biology and archaeology. He is the author of 2 international patents and more than 400 articles (230 in international journals), has worked on 50 research projects and has collaborated in fine-tuning systems for the analysis of stable isotopes of C, O, H, S and N in different types of samples. He has carried out 10 oceanographic campaigns in the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Mediterranean, Red Sea. And in demonstrated campaigns in Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, Israel, Kenya, Ethiopia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Italy, UK. Currently in the development of new methodologies for the study of the work of the ocean by means of O2/Ar, in the study of nitrification/denitrification processes in continental and marine systems by means of isotopic tracers (15N/14N,18O/16O), and in the isotopic traceability of the effects of Global Change on ecosystems.

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